- Do you know of Animal cruelty or abuse in Massachusetts? Please contact BOTH these animal law enforcement agencies NOW!
MSPCA– call: (617) 522-6008 or (800) 628-5808 Boston Animal Rescue League– call (617) 226-5610 or (617) 426-9170.
- Massachusetts Animal Cruelty Laws
- Know of an animal that might be trapped, displaced, or otherwise distressed for a variety of reasons (and often in areas that are difficulty to access). Boston ARL has a dedicated team of rescuers trained in several aspects of technical animal rescue, as well as advanced animal handling and capture techniques. Technical training includes: cat in tree, high angle, swift water, chemical immobilization, ice rescue, disaster response, slack water rescue, advanced capture techniques, large animal rescue, and marine mammal rescue.
- N.E. Breed Rescue Organizations – if you are looking for a special breed
- Having trouble affording vet care? There are several resources available. Click here to learn more.You should also consider creating your OWN fundraising page for your pet/s medical care. There are many websites designed to help pet owners raise funds for their pets.
- Paws 4 a Cure – provides financial assistance for dog/cat owners who can’t afford vet care.
- How to find a REPUTABLE breeder
- Why you shouldn’t Breed Your pet
- Why YOU SHOULD NEVER buy pets online
- DON’T DECLAW YOUR CAT/S – there’s a lot of great info and options to helpSMALL ANIMAL RESCUES FOR ADOPTION OR SURRENDERS
- Guinea Pig Rescues
- Mainely Rat Rescue and Live & Let Live Farm to make sure all piggies have the best possible chance of finding a forever home
- Adopt/Surrender Ferrets– list of NE rescue groups
- Adopt/Surrender Rabbits-list of NE rescue groups